I think the bird is an accomplished Natural Builder!
A friend of mine in Ladakh yesterday photographed a magpie in her nest and out of it, and it turns out that she, like he, is an avid builder of earth homes. We liked her cob construction, but your bird's natural animal-fiber insulation and aesthetic finishing are definitely superior.
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas SECMOL.org . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
I just went to a lecture on lichens (you take what entertainment is on offer here) and learned that hummers will use them for nest building material.
Great shots, Dale.
The young from this nest have already fledged. It was revealed when I pruned the bush. A dozen different crows stopped by for a look. They eat baby birds of other species.
...... I find nests several times a week. Certain trees are left alone until the young have left. Mistletoe is a favorite nesting spot and food supply. Most customers are open to leaving it alone.
This tiny ad has a self esteem problem. Too much self esteem.
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