Consider this. Sometimes the way to win a fight is to use your opponents energies against it. If you are going to have any type of running water in your structures, then, as a
permie, you will almost certainly want a grey water recovery system, especially if you live in the West. No one says you have to buy into the madness of contaminating the system with human waste. Have your composting toilet and use it...after the inspector leaves. After you are all squared away, pull the porcelain thrown and cap the pipe. Now you have a perfect grey water collection system in place that is clean, and uncontaminated.
Also by putting in a permitted septic system, if you situation changes (and over the next 20 years it well may) your resale of the property is not compromised, and is in fact, enhanced by having a legal permitted approved (brand new!) system to hand over to the new owner. Meanwhile you can water your garden, etc, with your house waste water neatly captured in a spiffy new plastic tank. Since it is pulled out, treated, and used before the tank fills, the drain field is never needed and that land can be garden or orchard without any worries of
roots getting into the lines.
My point being that one
should not let a small hurdle like a septic permit eliminate good options or dictate decisions on good opportunities. If you find the right piece of property and it requires a septic permit, there are reasonable work arounds. You don't have to pass up other good options in order to seek that mythical perfect place without regulation.
Just food for thought.