Plenty of threads on this but one method I've never seen is the one my father built into his cabin intentionally or unintentionally, I never got the chance to ask.
He built a 24 x 30 log cabin on piers (sloped
land) with a separate attic space and in the very center of the cabin is a massive brick fireplace of about 8 x 6 feet
footprint on a footing below frost line (at least 4 feet in zone 4a). In the winter the idea is to heat the mass of brick to radiate into the room but in the summer it does a remarkably good job of removing heat from the air as well - so much so that I often start a small fire when I get there even in the summer to take the chill out of the stone (and air) the first night after the place has been closed up for a week.
When you come inside on a hot day it's noticeably cooler even in our humid climate.
Something I'm planning to work into our next house if I ever get that far.
This seems like something that would pair perfectly with a
RMH installation.