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Jocelyn Campbell wrote:This deserved a bit of a revisit.
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
We mostly eat paleo-ish around here - very much organic or better and grassfed meats. Which means lots of veggies, meat, eggs, plenty of animal fats, naturally fermented foods and some fruits. We try to minimize starchy foods and sugar, and are not eating much in the way of dairy products at this time, though we imagine incorporating raw milk products from animals on the land.
When folks are invited to dine with Paul, this is the type of food that is served.
When others dine with us who are more used to higher carb foods like grains and starches, we often make rice, oats, noodles, beans, bread, etc. as a separate side that folks can choose or not.
Paul finds that dairy* and grains slow down his mental abilities.
Jocelyn is gluten free, dairy free,* and finds that grains create inflammation in her joints.
*we typically use coconut milk in place of milk, cream, etc. though butter seems to be okay for us so we use lots of butter!
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and FarmsĀ -
paul wheaton wrote:
6) Tony and Emily stopped by and ate at my table. Afterwards they did a lot of cleanup and sharpened our knives. Super cool. Morgan stops by a local restaurant and brings a huckleberry pie - every time. So yummy. Zach Weiss brought us a huge bunch of super excellent venison. Sam Manno brought us a delicious beef roast from cattle he raised. Lots of people have been awesome generous. I'm not saying folks gotta do this. I just wanna make a shout out for how cool this was. A feeble attempt to balance out the whining.
Owner, Etta Place Cider
Ask me about food.
How Works (lots of useful links)
Ann Torrence wrote:
It's called a hostess gift, people.
Not just for Paul and Jocelyn. Every time you get a dinner invitation.
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
Is that a banana in your pocket? I'm just asking for this tiny ad:
Learn Permaculture through a little hard work