I am using my 15 gpm well for my
drip irrigation (1/2" emitter tubing-not tape). My water has a lot of iron in it so I inject air to oxidize it and cause it to precipitate out. I am currently sending this water through a 1" Pentex Big Blue cartridge filter using 50 micron cartridges so as to not clog my emitters. I cannot find the average size of these iron precipitates. The filter cartridges are about $16 each and last for about 1 1/2 weeks. Expensive over the
course of my 8 watering period. Does anyone drip irrigate using well water? What do you filter with? One alternative is an irrigation filter using, cleanable, reuseable stainless steel screens. Will at 200 mesh (75 micron) stainless steel filter screen filter these particles out? Please do not respond with suggestions about gravity and
solar and pigs. If have info that can help, please share it. Thanks.
Thom Foote
Footehills Farm
Colbert, WA