Chriswaterguy wrote:
It would be great to hear about people's experiences with Appropedia - good, bad, disappointments, life-changing experiences. How you participate or why you don't.
And if it's a really positive bit of feedback, we'd really appreciate permission to use it on our Testimonials page.
Thanks in advance!
Put groups of Share buttons throughout the wiki, Google Blogger-style.
Especially put Buzz buttons everywhere:
"Share with Buzz" (their Buzz account)
"Follow on Buzz" (they can follow Appropedia's Buzz posts)
Google's Buzz is a wonderful new resource, vaguely similar to
Facebook but light years better, more useful
and ultimately a much better social networking resource. As far as information sharing and
archiving this is a remarkable new resource; there's nothing on the Web that can equal it.
It easily ties together browsers, wikis, blogs and email, easily, accurately and efficiently.
How nice it would be to offer a "Share With Appropedia" button for browsers, blogs, wikis, email, etc.
Like the current Google share button collection. Maybe someone could create one for you, Chris.
As for my involvement with Appropedia, I hope to spend more time there and will see how and where I might contribute.
I see the value in doing this. Though I have similar resources at ibiblio I do not plan to do more than archive my own
resources, whatever they may be, as I have been doing all along at ibiblio since 1991.
I do not plan to do any work at all at, no contributions, just occasionally browse and download information that was posted there years ago.