Yes indeed...Welcome Nick!
Great post
project to share...If I may offer any support beyond these few words do let me know.
First, I REALLY do not like concrete...especially as a work surface to stand on! There is research about the issues with the effects to the back, body and related as a poor living, working surface for human ergonomics not being compatible with this material...
Never the less...we often must plow with the horse we have...not the one we want...So, there are times to make do and "re-purpose."
From my perspective of your project and have some experience in multiple flooring modalities...I think I can say, with some confidence, I would not recommend a cob floor for a Blacksmiths shop, or any other "high impact" work area. Additionally, as a comparative from inside my head and thinking of examples I have seen and been part of, the logistics of removing this and cobing...would be daunting compared to Dale's approach as Michael C. has suggested. I "regrind/bush" stone all the time (much harder material than concrete) and with a rented industrial machine, I think you could even call this process "fast."
My next possible suggestion would be to remove the concrete as you desire (or leave in place??) and "float" a traditional
wood plank floor. These can be very enduring, and are not the fire hazard many suggest they are...even in a Blacksmiths shop, which I have been part of a few of those...A link to some possibilities in wood can be found at
청마루 (Cheongmaru) Floor Systems.
Next would be a already suggested...of the current concrete in situ...ground level, with the cracks and fissures filled and leveled with either a limecrete and/or Tataki 三和土 method. Info on this can be found at:
Tataki 三和土
Limecrete Flooring...
Good luck with your project...