Santiam Valley, OR, ~1000ft
~15 acres of fruit
trees mostly apples, asian pears, and plums, that were completely neglected for ~10 years.
Most of the trees are still alive, but there are also dead spots here and there in the rows.
Trees are in ~200
yard rows with ~10 feet in between rows
Also ~15 acres of pasture, with lots of old patties and 17 head of
cattle. Fish bearing stream though the pasture that we are looking to help maintain with plantings/earth works
The situation is relaxed, Experimentation is encouraged.
I don't live there yet, but by periodically stop by to help and I am looking for actions that are time efficient.
Current plans include to round up old cow patties to make
compost and eventually fertilize fruit trees with.
I was told to add the manure/compost around bud break in the early spring.
I want to plant seeds in the orchards. Soliciting ideas for this time of year (sept, october) and/or the spring. I was thinking fava, comfrey, vetch, winter rye, red clover.
The goals are to improve the soil, attract pollinators, get lots of green manure, grow something edible under the fruit trees.
I will have access to a
Eventually will do
hugelkultur. I have done hugel at many properties with hand tools, interested in using tractors/trucks.
Interested in tilling once and planting cover crop to begin transition to no till.
Also might till some of the pasture and plant forage crop. (Daikon, winter rye, clover,?)
Thinking about transitions to intensive grazing, rotation.
I want to grow quinoa next spring looking for a cover crop to set up for that.
Anyone know good places to buy bulk seed in Eugene or Salem area?
Property also has tons of blackberry and black locusts of all sizes.
Any advice appreciated. I can give you some great seed if your interested in appreciation of advice.
I have some worthy seeds from my travels. Most notably collard seed that changed the way I think about salads.
Leaves grow over two feet and stay super tender. Great raw for salad.
Nothing like commercial collard, I think it needs a new name.
Most interested in super simple activities, what seed to throw streambanks and in the pasture.