I am a beekeeper with my feet in a board range of beekeeping from keeping feral colonies to honey production. I build all my own equipment- Top Bars, Warres, Langstroths and experimental hives. I have been studying and researching skep keeping for years and have decided to attempt to run a few skep hives in my apiary.
I am considering running several skeps this spring and conducting scientific research and study, then publishing a paper on the
project. I am doing this to fulfill one of the requirements for earning my Master Beekeeper Certification that I am currently working on. I am in the process of applying for a Scientific Waiver to research keeping bees in a skep.
I have already built my first one. The only reason I asked about painting on cob or cloam is my wife thought that painting pretty pictures on the skeps would be interesting. You are right, Kris, about letting the mixture set for awhile. That original recipe for skep cloam set up like a board on the hive.
I am a keeper that always has several bee projects going at once so any updates and announcements on this particular project maybe few and far between until all my “i’s” are dotted and my “t’s” are crossed. I promise to post any progress on Permies first.