There is an off-leash dog park near my work. The area used to be farm
land many years ago, and there are a few remnant nut
trees in the dog park - chestnuts & walnuts. There are some of these trees elsewhere in the neighborhood as well.
I have been foraging from the trees in the neighborhood, and while I was foraging in the dog park I noticed that there seemed to be quite a few more nuts on the ground than outside the dog park. Then it hit me that there are probably no squirrels in the dog park (at least not during the day). Indeed I have never seen a squirrel in the dog park. But I have seen many squirrels outside the park.
course this makes perfect sense when you think about it.
Anyway, it seems like it would make sense to plant nut trees in a dog park, or have a dog park in a nut orchard. Also if there are dog people wanting a dog park, and nut people wanting a nut orchard (or a dog-friendly food forest), they
should talk to each other and perhaps combine resources.