Fungi Ally Mushroom Lab Kickstarter Page
So a lot of times people come to us and ask them to promote their kickstarters but this one I found completely on my own.. When I say on my own, I mean paul sent me an email with a link to it.
But anyway, my point is, we found this one and saw how awesome it was without being begged to promote it and I think that it's important to share that.
Now, down to the nitty gritty.
This is Willie Crosby and Dylan Kessler:
They've been growing and selling
mushrooms and mushroom spawn for 3 years on the east coast.
The main point of their kickstarter though, is to fund a fungi lab to create
local, high quality spawn to
sell to people that will enable them to grow their own mushrooms. By the way, spawn is the seed used to start growing mushrooms. Spawn is the
roots or mycelium of the mushroom grown out onto any material, most commonly sawdust, dowels, or grain.
They want to empower and educate people to be able to know how to grow mushrooms and that's why I feel so compelled to help them out, because really that is their end goal.
Can you image being able to grow something as beautiful as these yourself?:
I've already backed their
project and I'm super excited to try to help them reach their stretch goal (making gobs of educational videos about mushroom growing!!!).
(getting my parents the shiitake growing kit for christmas) hope you're not reading this mom....
Click Here to Support the Fungi Ally Mushroom Lab Kickstarter!