Are you crazy, haven't you seen the
thread about sealing a
pond with pigs?
Yes I have. And it is a great post, well documented. Thanks by the way!
There is a gentle slope, in a wet and waterlogged area. Previous owner overgrazed and compacted the soil with heavy
cattle. A
pond is planned, but there is a maximal area authorised by the
local law, and it is really small. Geese are in another (fox-safe) area, and there is too much
Juncus to
feed them. Thats why pigs.
Planned is rotational grazing but with the pen staying in the same spot.
If we
fence the pigs in a way that they always walk up and down the slope in different corridors. (Pen in one dry spot, and they have to walk between 2 fences down the wet area and up in another place.)
This would locally dig trenches and slightly dry the
land, no? (Turn the problem into the solution...)
Trees would be planted behind the fences, as if they were swales done by someone who misunderstood "on contour".