In 2001 I stopped working my day job, and I stopped doing much of anything
online and just did my projects on my little farm-ish. I built an amazing workbench. I built a variety of different salatin-style pens for
chickens. I experimented with holding moisture on the soil. I experimented with mulch and poor soil. I experimented with lots of different kinds of seeds. I bought
cattle, hogs,
chickens and goats. I experimented with breeding earthworms through the winter. And then I went back to my day job to pay the
mortgage and pay for materials and tools for more projects.
In the spring of 2005 I realized that to do all the things I wanted to do within my lifetime I would need to be part of a larger group. Maybe a dozen people as bonkers about this stuff as I am.
Up until buying this property, I conducted a massive variety of research and experiments.
When I arrived here, I immediately went out and started doing all of the things I had been pining to do. Only to realize that I needed more money for tools and materials. So I went back to work.
In time, a path presented itself in my head:
gardening gardeners. Planting permies. First you make the
permie habitat, then you insert a gaggle of permies and then all of the things in my head start to exist.
At some point ... let's call it "the tipping point" .... everything here will continue to move forward and build acceleration without me constantly pushing. So, at that point I can go back to doing my own bit of puttering. Until then, it is all about pushing, pushing, pushing to get to the tipping point: I need to continuously come up with a huge amount of money every month to fund bounties - so the people that come here can have some funds to get started; and the infrastructure can be built to get to the tipping point.
So I work long hours to come up with the funds to get things started. There really isn't time for much else. I take the funds and delegate as much as I possibly can. This delegation makes it so the people that are here have some income and I can focus on the tasks that only I can do.
I feel like I can see a path to the big picture. I can see systems set up here so that people have their own
income streams and there are a variety of income streams here. And things move forward. There is a slim chance that we will hit the tipping point in 2016. I hope we do! Until then, I uber focus on income and delegating what I can. And bask in the glow of the idea that soon we will have reached the tipping point and I can slow down and putter on my own projects.