If people have crazy diets then you have to tell them they are crazy and if the government has people playing round with nuclear stuff that causes their children to get cancer, the only thing i can think of is that that fact needs to be given a lot of publicity, the journalists dont do their job.
There was a episode of "Father is a family guy" when there is a lorry full of radiactive waste parked outside their house and his son asks what why th elorry is covered in warning signs or some such and the father embarrased to talk about the danger, lies and so the son unafraid of hte contents of the lorry the son opens the cap on the lorry and the garden fills full of radioactive waste. If you don't tell people cruel truths, things can get worse.
The reason i have for quarreling when people insist on their beliefs and alternative medicine could be such, is that they get scary when they are protecting their beliefs. I have had it in the teeth for liking alternative medicines, people go in for long campaigns against you for having differences of opinion with them, campaigns in which they will menace you to pull you into line, and that can be ten years of menaces for example. Do we tell our children that fights go on for years so they are prepared for adult life? So there is a reason for questioning peoples defense of their ways of thinking if it seems too emphatic, they carry that defense of their opinions into out and out war with others tha tis they start to try to reduce the other persons credit even in themes that have nothing to do with the differences of opinion they start to attack the person not just the ideas they hold tha tthey don't like.
Also those who defend their ideas emphatically can have totalitariana attitudes to life. THey dont allow a variety of ideologies though being emphatic can simply be away of letting everyone know it is a theme you care about. Populations need to have variouse ways of thinking, it is what keeps things balanced, all groups ideas get silly with time, the most careful informed and square ones among them, not such good ideas creep in without them realising it, ideas that are not healthy and they need counter groups to keep things healthy. Another reason for having lots of ideologies is that having lots of different ideologies is what keeps enough ideas on the table for us to move on. However it is necessary to say that people are eating wrong. Maybe they had a trolley full of party food but certainly people are eating very wrong nowdays i suppose the new generation, as is true of the old one, is always doing something wrong.
I have been done down when i talked of any alternative medicines. i have been told that i would use them for everything, and that when i have only used such simple remedies as peeled and grated
apple for light vomiting and diarhea, and garlic for small cuts. I have hardly used any alternative medicines, so to pretend i would be stupid about them is mischeivouse.
I go to the doctor, what has made it harder to go to the doctor is not liking alternative medicines it is a growing disconfidence with pèople, because they twist things so, which makes me less strong about all human contacts, the doctor is one of hardest of human contacts with his power to say you are about to die included in any contact you hav ewith him. ALso the lack of people, as they were attacking me, who I can ask for advice on doctors has reduced my capacity to use them. I think part of machism is to cut you off from others. My sisters who dont really talk to me wont help to fnd a english doctor who will help to advise me on whether it is necessary to do plastic surgey on my sons burn cured but with weaker skin were the burn was and i dont trust the social security doctor here a hundred percent and i certainly dont trust the dentists they have messed me up too often.
People attack you to make you follow their own ideologies in part and because part of human nature is generous but another part of it is, dead mean.
I find it easier to go to the dcotor if i am doing yoga, which means i have more healthy attitudes and am more relaxed. I am less afraid of facing the news i have some terrible illness when i reflect that as well as the power of the doctors i will be able to meditate or take herbal remedies, when i have plans of my wn abut how to face illness as well as using the knowledge of a dctor.
In the program House they say bicarbonate gets the body to clean out radiation or some such, and one program of House, was about a case i have read about, i dont usually read medical cases but i happened to read about the tape worm one, the man who was infected with the pre-tape worm stage of tape worms when the tape worms are tiny worms who lodge in your flesh or brain or bihind your eyes,which they took a long time to discover because he did not eat pork, he had caught the parasites because his cook did.
I have heard of the children of people working in atomic power stations getting cancer, which seems strange but that is what i have heard several times now. It is easy to undrstand that the sperm of the father should cause deformations in the fetus but that the sperm of the father should carry cancer or the likelyhood of getting in childhood is difficult to understand, at least for me. I dont know what makes the children of those who work in atomic power stations get cancer. Maybe the body of the father carries more radiation than is good for his children. In the case of a child at my daughters school the father stopped working in, where ever it was, in contact with radiation, before the baby was concieved, if i remember right.
Some bits of this world are more horror story than anything else. rose macaskie.