Chadwick Holmes : You brought a smile to an old mans face ! Actually after 40+ years of just one basic design adapted over and over again to fit individual D.I.Y. Builds,
There has been an explosion of new ways to create a whole new range or types of
Rocket mass heaters and I am seriously in danger of becoming non-relivant.
So have you been to to download your pdf copy of the new 3rd edition of Ianto Evans' '
'Rocket Mass Heaters'',yet. ! copy to use, 1 to lose and 1 to
loan to a close friend - all one price !
This is ''The Book'', It will save you time. effort, materials, money, and frustration and you will be just a little bit better prepared to come back here to with
your future questions ! All the math you need is all 4th grade stuff, no problem !
Any well built
Rocket Mass Heater RMH,
should be capable of making the top of your barrel glow dull to cherry red if you push it ! Or you can take a large salad bowl as
a form and make an oven from several crumpled layers of Aluminum foil, The Thermal mass bench itself can be used to raise dough for bread that can then be baked on
the barrels top !
If you are going to place it within a home and want 24 hour heat at your location in western PA. then You want a 6'' J-bend Rocket with a large Thermal Mass, If this is going
into a
workshop I would recommend the thermal mass anyway possibly with the introduction of a 1/2 barrel " Bell'' -to deliver more Prompt Heat . more later !
With the 6'' RMH as your starting place, a tall heat riser, and a 1.5'' to 2'' gap between the top of the heat riser and the barrel, the hot exhaust gases rising in the Heat Riser
slam into the barrels underside and roll in a doughnut shape giving up a lot of its heat to the barrel top and the upper 1/3rd of the barrel ~40%~ the rest going to your
Thermal Mass. So yes. the box would be a potential problem.
This does not mean that you can't make a simple
Rocket Stove with a tall Heat Riser and no barrel and coal for fuel reach low forging temps inside that Heat Riser .
Just today fellow member and rocketeer Satamax Antone posted a new video showing the teardown and rebuild of an old 6'' j-bend style RMH to a include the installation
of a ''Bell' where previously there was only horizontal ducting through the Thermal Mass . //// see link below :
I took the liberty of sending you through another post as I have answered some of your questions more in-depth there ! Please note that I have a strong bias towards the
older style J-bend RMHs. Almost all of the batch box style rockets are less than 2 years old, are a harder 1st build to get right, and improvements or problems are both still
probable .
My recommendation for all 1st time builders is to follow a traditional build and live with it for a heating season -and then work on adopting any changes .
Call me an old stick in the mud, For the Crafts Big AL