Hello there, Now comes the grand moment when I actually feel that it is worth not only mine but also other's time for me to join these wonderful Forums here.
as a bit of background I am currently (1/23/`16) Twenty Four years old and am an aspiring farmer. I have several years
experience as a farm hand on a
local dairy farm and want NOTHING to do with cows if I can help it

I've lurked here upon the forums for several months ?years? now and I feel that I have
enough of an understanding of the community that I can now make contributions that are of value to others here and around the internet, perhaps I'll even be able to help someone in the in the strange and bizarre country known as the Future.
My interest include: Learning new things about the world, Soil, Technology ranging from stone knapping to Particle accelerators, Blacksmithing and Iron Smelting, hmmmmm... Ooo! and cooking good things
I like to think of myself as a Wannabe Renaissance Man, I know about many things but I don't know enough about any one subject to consider myself an expert in it. Knowing when you don't know enough is half the battle, knowing where to find out what you need is the other half.
--William Clark