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Do YOU Want To SHARE YOUR LAND ?? with a Very experienced, mature Homesteading Couple ?

Posts: 109
Location: SW New Mexico, 5300'elevation, 18" precip
goat hugelkultur forest garden chicken greening the desert homestead
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Hello there,
We are looking for a long term (permanent) Land Sharing Situation in the Western States, (West of the Rockies) or in Southwestern British Columbia..... We have the skills and means to build a homestead from bare land... We have a small, steady life-long income.... so we can be on the land, not working away to earn a living.
We are looking for property to share that has a strong, clean year-round creek or strong Natural Spring, lake , ponds... in other words, abundant water. But not too rainy (less than 45" annual) ....we do love the sun! Privacy, some trees, shrubs, some meadow or pasture..... and at least a 100 day growing season.
I am a Natural Builder of many types of buildings; underground Earth Lodges, log Cabins, Stone Houses, Tree Houses, Hobbit Homes, Thatched Huts using wattle & daub, Cob, Straw Bales, Adobe, slip straw, Board & Batten, hand hewn logs, hand split shakes, etc. I am also a very Handy Man, Being able to fix or repair just about anything needed on a secluded Homestead.
My wife is a passionate food grower, having managed market gardens and small community gardens.... but prefers subsistence gardening. She is a cheese maker, goat herdress, greenhouse grower, hugelkulturist, budding permaculturist, plant person and homeopathic practitioner. We have been growing and raising about 90% of our own food for many years. We are really into both self-reliance and interdependence with like-spirited folks.

We are Devoted to living Simply on the Earth. We are committed to Enhancing the Web of Life, wherever we live. We are Being the Change that we would like to see in the World. And we enjoy teaching and sharing our knowledge and experience with others who are on the path such as interns and apprentices. We have lived with, and shared land with other people for many years so we have developed good communication and cooperation skills. We would like to plant fruit trees and bushes, put in a big garden, build a small Hobbit house, build a small goat barn..... and root ourselves At Home, on a piece of Beautiful land with you, being good friends and helpful Neighbors. If you might want to share your property with us.... as long term caretakers, please contact us. Buying land together with some similarly- focused folks might also be an option for us.
Email: sunnybabaspirit at yahoo.com

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You and your partner sound just like the people I want to share my land with.
But, I am in Northern Maine. Maybe you would consider that region ?
Sunny Baba
Posts: 109
Location: SW New Mexico, 5300'elevation, 18" precip
goat hugelkultur forest garden chicken greening the desert homestead
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Hi Mark..... Thank you so much for thinking about us joining you on your land...... But, we are so in Love with the West... wide open spaces, very few people, majestic mountains.... but thank you for your open mind and Heart.... Sunny & Sequoia
Mark Warren
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My loss, I was dreaming of all the thinks I would learn. Not to mention the help, LOL Best wishes. If something happens and you find yourselves in need ?
Sunny Baba
Posts: 109
Location: SW New Mexico, 5300'elevation, 18" precip
goat hugelkultur forest garden chicken greening the desert homestead
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Hello Everybody.... Well our garden for this year is almost all planted and transplanted out side and..... here comes this seasons first hail storm today... marble sized... shredding all the young greens that we didn't have enough row cover and hoops for..... We have a 1/2 acre garden.... so it is not possible to cover and uncover it all... This prompts us to update our request for folks that might want to Share their land with fellow gardeners... and experienced Homesteaders....... having patience... waiting for the right folks to contact us.... .
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My wife and I are having are first child June 16th and we are needing some help getting homestead going. We have 10 acres high in Boston mtns top of the Ozarks. 11 miles from devil's den state park and 30 min drive to Fayetteville Arkansas. We have 2 springs, hand dug well and 26ft camper with solar power for guest. Let me know if you might be interested. Thanks
Sunny Baba
Posts: 109
Location: SW New Mexico, 5300'elevation, 18" precip
goat hugelkultur forest garden chicken greening the desert homestead
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Hi Caleb.... Thanks so much for extending the invitation to join you there in the Ozarks...... We are wanting to stay in the western states... because of all our connections here in the west and our knowledge of all the aspects of living, homesteading and gardening out here in these more arid, mountain states. Best of luck on your awesome 10 acres there in the Ozark mts. Thanks for thinking of us... Sunny
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Take a look and let me know what you think


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Hi Sunny,

We are still open to meeting like minded folks to share the land we are purchasing.
You can look at our previous posts to get an idea of who we are. Should be able to find them by looking at my profile...

A bit has changed since the last posting, though our land base is the same and we really could use a great plant person!
Let me know if you would like to begin a dialog.
Sunny Baba
Posts: 109
Location: SW New Mexico, 5300'elevation, 18" precip
goat hugelkultur forest garden chicken greening the desert homestead
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Hello fellow Homesteaders..... We are still open to hearing from people that would like to share their land long term with us.... Presently we are just finishing up planting & transplanting all of our crops.... for this coming years food supply for ourselves and the goats.... If we get an offer that is attractive to us.. we will go and visit there this early fall and if it is a love affair for all of us... we would move ourselves and our small herd of dairy goats.. and our years supply of food... to our new homestead site... camping through the winter (we are hardy)... and putting in a new garden next spring (at our new home site)..... and then build a small hobbit home and goat barn in the summer months........ We look forward to hearing from you... and we are still holding out for that abundant, Gravity fed water...long growing season, privacy and loving neighbors/land partners...... in the western states...... Thanks for Looking.... sunnybabaspirit@yahoo.com
[Thumbnail for IMG_3790.jpg]
Posts: 32
Location: Butte County Idaho zone 4 but more like zone 3 Lots of wind and average of 8-9 inches ann. precip.
forest garden food preservation homestead
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My limited experience is that finding a place in the west with ample water supply is ... difficultish
We just bought 10 acres in Arco Idaho. It is BEAUTIFUL scenery but the water all over this valley is low. Our property is mostly bordered by canal, but we see little water to are water rights because of the reservoir being low.
This land has been terribly treated and we are having a really hard time envisioning where to begin... The wind is a daily struggle and the lack of rain additionally rough... I would LOVE some hands on experience, from patient teachers that recognize my auto immune diseases knock me on my BUTT with no warning but I still try to get back up and keep moving forward... I was just 'gifted' 14 geese yesterday and was feeling really blessed for that ... then woke up this morning and my 7 year old inside cat that is declawed had managed to get outside and has not returned and now feeling pretty bummed about that... still hopeful and eager to get this piece of desert greened up and productive...
I hope all has recovered from the hail storm and you fair well thru the summer months (dairy goats have always been my dream but I didn't know I would get sick so trying to figure out how to alter my dream to fit my abilities)
Sunny Baba
Posts: 109
Location: SW New Mexico, 5300'elevation, 18" precip
goat hugelkultur forest garden chicken greening the desert homestead
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Hi Dina......I am so sorry that you have to suffer the limitations of poor health.... and I know the Arco Idaho area..... Very dry, Very windy, Very little rainfall........... very harsh environment..... Very few good water sources in that area... No, I would not choose to live there and grow my food.... I do not understand why people that are interested in growing their own food would choose property that does not have a good water source.... I guess people live where they live because of their job or family near... or that they only recently decided they wanted to be more self-sufficient or sustainable etc.... I feel the MOST IMPORTANT consideration in buying land ... is an abundant, fresh, clean water source... preferable gravity fed, without pumps...... these properties exist ALL over the western states...... I know, because I help people find them when they are ready to buy...... We simply don't have the money or income to purchase property... but we have all the knowledge and skills to build homesteads from the bare ground up.... into a system that feeds, supports and shelters us... We are still looking and waiting.... we know it is out there waiting to connect with us.
Dina Johnson
Posts: 32
Location: Butte County Idaho zone 4 but more like zone 3 Lots of wind and average of 8-9 inches ann. precip.
forest garden food preservation homestead
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Thank you, the new health issues has created a learning opportunity for me and my family and some days are better than others... which is not much different than before

There was another piece of property in Mackay with a live natural spring and 10 acres... very close to the reservoir. We looked at it and didn't like the bog it created, it was right next to the highway, only shaved off 20 minutes of my husband's commute to work AND an additional $162,000 more (that's a BIG difference!).

This move gave my husband 2 more hours in his day because he no longer has to commute from Rigby Idaho to INL. That was a BIG selling point on the property. The closest neighbor is a cemetery. We are much closer to the recreations that we love and it was in our price range. I am sure we will be able to manage well here in time... we just need to get creative and learn some patience. I am originally from Southern Indiana and have been relearning all that I barely knew from that area LOL!

I wish the two of you the very best! Feel free to look us up if your in the area!
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Hey guys!

I'm not sure if you happened across the project I'm working on: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NafiN4p6e4Uo1kMZYP45exJ36jDqCHaEq-h9u_RQQIQ but it sounds like we're on a very similar path. I'd love to at least keep in touch as we each seek a more permanent spot in the west.

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Hello Sequoia and Sunny! Oh. my goodness! This is Marleny. from Mora!
Walid and I are looking for  couple just like you to live on our land in Mora- INDEFINITELY! I hope you're still available! We live and work in a Buddhist hermitage in Big Sur, CA.
Please, please let me know if you are still available! You have my e-mail, right? marle900@gmail.com

Much, much love,
Sunny Baba
Posts: 109
Location: SW New Mexico, 5300'elevation, 18" precip
goat hugelkultur forest garden chicken greening the desert homestead
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Hello Earth people, Growing your own food... Building your own Homes.... living Directly with the Mother, Nurturing Her... and she Nurtures you..... We have had some beautiful, Open Hearted offers... thank you all so very much... We have one offer in central Idaho, in a county with no building codes and no zoning... (Idaho county, Idaho).... yes they do exist, pockets of freedom..... We are going to drive up there in the fall, to meet the folks and walk the land....... after we harvest our years supply of food, that we are presently growing here at 8,000 ft. in northern New Mexico... we just hope & pray that there are no Hail storms before we Harvest....(last year we had 3 destroying hail storms)... they last maybe 15 minutes.. But shred everything down to bare stems.... Heart Breaking... all that time and labor lost... not to mention our coming years' food supply..... THAT is the reason we WANT TO MOVE from this beautiful, lush mountain valley..... We would like to be where we have AT LEAST a 120 day ...frost free  growing season....(it is 90 days here IF we are lucky)....... We would like to have a strong Spring or Clean creek that drops at least 80 ft. in elevation... To GRAVITY FEED down hill to gardens homes and micro hydro generation..... (we don't want much, do we..?)..... We have had, in the past, gravity fed water in a 2" pipe dropping 80 ft....and it ran 15 'rainbird' sprinklers at once.... making it rain any time we wanted over a 1/2 acre garden..... Magic..!!   and it provided three homes with unlimited water.... plus ran three micro hydro, pelten wheels.....providing electricity during the winter months for three households....  just a strong spring or small year-round creek, flowing a steady stream of water THE SIZE OF YOUR WRIST..........that small steady stream of water dropping 80+ ft..... can turn even a DESERT into an ABUNDANT OASIS....   So we are still calling out to the Universe... for some like minded.. like Hearted people who are homesteading on a beautiful, Secluded piece of property with abundant water flowing down a hill.... with a decent growing season.... who would like to share the joys and abundance of supplying our own food and shelter needs TOGETHER....... Covering the homesteads needs for each other, when a few of us need to leave the homestead for a few days or weeks.... (We haven't been able to go anywhere together for more than 10 hours, away from the goats, gardens, and chickens needs, to be milked, fed, locked up at night or eggs gathered....)
    WE KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE AND THE PERFECT PLACE are out there waiting to see this POST.... they are just yearning to find the right folks to join them...... We are still OPEN to more Possibilities...... WELCOME  
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Location: NE Oregon
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Hello Sunny,
We are in NE Oregon near the town of La Grande. We have a reasonable growing season and gravity fed spring water on our property. It sounds like we have similar life goals and experiences. We would like to visit with you about the possibilities for partnering. I'll send you an email. My email address is subdo2000@yahoo.com.

Adding our current websites:
Sunny Baba
Posts: 109
Location: SW New Mexico, 5300'elevation, 18" precip
goat hugelkultur forest garden chicken greening the desert homestead
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HELLO FELLOW HOMESTEADERS..... We have received quit a few beautiful open-Hearted offers, on homesteads in California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington...... We just got back from a two week road trip visiting some of these possibilities...... but none of them.... were a great big YES......  So we are still Looking for our perfect match, with the people, land and the situation itself.....   So if you are in the western states and have abundant, gravity feed water, and can legally have another residence on your property (Or you are remote enough that no one cares)..... and  if you have an interest in communing with spirit, love the natural world and would like to have another homesteading couple join you there.. then please contact;  sunnybabaspirit@yahoo.com  
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Location: Colorado
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Hi Sunny

We are interested in talking with you about our land in SW Colorado.  I am including some information on us so you can see if what we are doing is of interest.

Some links so you can find out more about us.  The most important one is what I have posted on Permaculture Global as it speaks to what I belief is my greatest possession ... my core beliefs.  If what you see seems at all parallel with your interests we should talk and meet.  https://permacultureglobal.org/users/9405-grant-curry

You can find out quite a bit about our activities if you search on permaculture at www.cortezjournal.com.

Also, click on the following links:

For an article I wrote (that I am not necessarily proud of):

For podcasts that have featured our work :
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@ Sunny Baba,
B.C. was once my place I wanted to live.
You might look up a series, or find on YouTube  called " abandoned "
They showed B.C.
It almost made me cry. What they have done to it. And a lot of it started many years ago. A lot of strip logging, fish canneries and more. Taking everything out and off of the earth. Docks and machinery just falling into the water.
Made me feel ill. Especially the fish cannery. Heck they even have barrels of oil just sitting around still. Some without no lids and some deteriorating. Waiting to fall into the water.
It isn't as pristine as it used to be.
There are some places maybe.
Some old towns have just closed down. Some just have older retired "hippies" that grow their own. I forgot the towns name.. ocean something...
They still have tourism there.
You would have to do some checking on areas of interest.
It's a dirty shame what people have all left behind, instead of cleaning up their messes before they left. They didn't care.
Me, personally I like to leave no footprints.  But many just do not care anymore.
Just thought I might give you a heads up on some areas up there.
Posts: 88
Location: Los Angeles for now, Maybe Idaho soon...
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I would avoid CA at all costs.  This state is running itself into the ground.  125 Billion dollars in the Red, and they still push for things, (like High Speed Rail) which will NEVER, ever be able to pay for itself.

I'm looking at Idaho personally, but am a couple of years off.  Oregon might work for me too.  Wish I was ready, but alas, I am not.  Best of luck in your search...
Lynne Smith
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Cali has become a large state for homelessness.  Oregon too..the whole west coast.
So many people are out of jobs now And are losing everything.
I have heard that you can actually see the homeless people and their dogs on google earth. I haven't looked myself yet.
What surprises me is they have never really told the people for the whole west coast about things being radioactive. I have read reports of It though.
Eventually with that many people being out of homes and jobs, they will spread eastward.
There is no way I would move west.
Plus the water situation has only gotten worse. I do hope it there are some aquifers up there. I am not familiar with them there.
I know people are moving to Texas. They will be surprised to learn that the water is drying up there too And It has been that way for many years. I know because my husband was a surveyor. Yet they are selling ugly dirt property for big bucks. I was shocked.
My advice is...don't go to Texas either. Plus they have several other problems too.
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Location: upstate NY near MA/VT
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Speaking of Callie, I have a friend in Northern CA who owns a 48 acre camp on the Albion River. She is needing some help. Please contact me so that I can link you up.

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Hi, I have irrigated acreage in Northern Arizona just outside of Sedona Az. I have room for goats and all the water you need. This is a permaculture start-up. If you are interested please contact me.

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Location: Cedar Crest, NM
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I am interested.
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How about buying land in Cebolla NM.  We own 40 acres of well developed land to share

Ed McMillen
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