looks great =)
now again i have weird ideas about things, planting extremely close together as thats just the way i have developed into going about things, but i would stick two trees there. the other one just to the right of the picture, err rather left of the tank...or somewhere. lemon/citrus trees are rather small and seems appropriate to prune them up nicely frequently.
but as is, seems like you can plant a lot of interesting stuff around the base of the tree, maybe some vining things to grow unto the tanks or
fence and use that bottom area for other plants? then the citrus would be like the centerpiece, i'm sure it will be beautiful.
i am also agonizing about putting my first citrus in the ground, and exactly which one! i have prepared the area mostly, but now have been going back and forth over a dozen different young trees to plant in the hole.
i am leaning towards one the 3 year old cold hardy mandarins i started from seed. as so far out of everything i have been trying, this has survived the best, has grown the largest even among those started at the same time (lemons mostly), and held up remarkably well throughout our winters, not dying back much at all.
i am also leaning towards one of the new nursery grown mandarins i just got. my worry though is that they arent quite ready, that maybe after a year of acclimating to this area, and being able to be protected throughout next winter...then they will be ready to go in the ground. also if they die back too much the first winter, then i will be left with the rootstock. i have already taken some cuttings and done a few air layers on the new trees, even though theres not much there to get cuttings of....
then again i am thinking i would really want to plant one of the seed grown lemons. there are 3 + that are looking pretty ok, have grown nicely, are 2-3 years old, although i lost quite a few to die back and winter this past year. that is even with being protected a bit, and some were sheltered in our laundry room under
lights. but unfortunately i took them outside a bit too early, didnt properly acclimate them, and bugs descended on them badly this early spring...so some are totally toast...maybe they will respring up from the roots...i have seen them do that. only a few, and the oldest ones, are looking good enough to consider using them.
i could also try the meyer's lemons that i propagated through air layering last year, which should ideally mature much faster, once it develops a nice root system. that would be meyer's lemon on its own roots...IF and when i could get it established well.
if i plant the seed grown ones it will not likely fruit for a long time...so yeah going round in circles with analysis paralysis and still havent sorted out which one. i may just plant a different tree entirely there too! but i have prepared the spot and want to plant out the citrus....and think i will try one of those.
the advantages of the seed grown ones is that if they die back to the ground they will not just default into the rootstock! the disadvantage is that they may not fruit for a very long time. so i guess theres a bit of a leap of faith there...i do think its possible i can get one of these in the ground and growing nicely...so at some point i am just going to have to pick one at random and go for it =)