I love your website and practical advice for the everyday person juggling 10 different things that all seem to scream for priority.
We live in the southeast specivically zone 8A in Beaufort, NC and have a centipede
lawn. in your article you state [i[font=Verdana]]"Grass is a nitrogen pig. Legumes (such as clover and black medic) can get their nitrogen from the air (remember that the air we breathe is 80% nitrogen!). So, when you see legumes taking over your lawn (clover, medic, etc.), you know that your soil is nitrogen poor."[/font][/i]
Centipede grass can be damaged by too much nitrogen. I REALLY want to use only organic matter for our lawn. What do you suggest specifically for centipede lawns.
Thank you in advance for your
answer. I've been on the web for hours looking for someone that is down to "earth" !