This is my first try at making a rocket stove for camping. I used an old camping pot, a tin can for the riser and a thermos cup for the burn chamber. I jammed the top of the tin can into the burn chamber to create a fuel shelf. I insulated the inside with sand/gravel and made a burner out of a pipe flange/bolts. Here are some pics:
you would have been better to use the stainless steel in the heat riser instead of tin. if the insulation you used works it may not last long. stainless steel has a higher operating temperature. you could also get a bit more use out of the BTUs if you drop the stand down a smidge.
F Styles wrote:you would have been better to use the stainless steel in the heat riser instead of tin. if the insulation you used works it may not last long. stainless steel has a higher operating temperature. you could also get a bit more use out of the BTUs if you drop the stand down a smidge.
You were definitely right about the stand height. I dropped it and it worked quite nicely. I will switch the tin can and stainless steel around tomorrow and give her another try. Thanks for the advice!