Somebody just forwarded this craigslist ad. Since these ads last just a short time, and I think the ad is loaded with excellent info, I'm gonna risk pissing off the advertiser and copy and paste the info here:
Description: The highly prized KALAMATA Olive Tree is rarely available and is virtually an exclusive offering. An absolute must have plant for anyone who wants to add a Mediterranean look to their landscape, garden, or business entry. Both cold hardy and draught tolerant, these easy to grow plants are an evergreen variety that can be placed directly in the soil outdoors, or placed in a container for growing on the deck, sun room, or in a well lighted kitchen or bathroom. If planted outside, they will not only grow well but produce fruit in the Puget Sound Climate...
The leaves and small white fragrant flowers of the olive tree are beautiful and the branches begin to drape as it matures. What's more, they are “self-pollinating,” meaning you can produce olives with only one tree (even more can be produced through cross-pollination with an additional tree)… This means you can grow your own olives just like my Nonno Giuseppe from Casal Velino in Italia and have homegrown olives that have NOT been soaked forever in commercial lye solutions or sprayed with harmful chemicals. The flowers will gradually develop into olives that mature throughout the summer and finally ripen in the Fall.
Why Kalamata Cost More Than Other Olive
Trees: Propagation of the Kalamata is different than other olive trees as they must be hand-grafted. This process sacrifices the
root system of another olive tree and grafts Kalamata just above the soil line so that the tree grows and produces as a Kalamata. This propagation method is more expensive for the grower and results in a 2 to 3 year waiting list for those few nurseries that can acquire them.
The KALAMATA OLIVE TREES are currently availanle in two sizes: (1) One Gallon - about 18-24 inches, with well established grafts, and capable of producing fruit within two years of planting; (2) Two Gallon - about 24-36 inches, with some vertical growth and lateral branching evident, and capable of producing olives within the coming year. The fruit from these trees can be cured and marinated to produce the classic gourmet “Deli olive” known throughout the world for its extraordinarily rich taste and texture.
Growth and Cultivation: Depending upon growing conditions and pruning practices, the Kalamata Olive Tree can eventually grow to a height of 18 to 20' tall and 10 to 12' wide in most US growing zones. However, they can easily be pruned to be smaller, more manageable in size, and fuller in appearance. In fact, they will actually produce more olive through such cultivation. They may also be grown in large pots or barrels. Whatever manner they are cultivated, Kalamata Olive Trees add a wonderful Mediterranean quality to any landscape. Since they are evergreen, they maintain this appearance on a year round basis as they are cold tolerant to about 16 degrees F and drought tolerant once established.
A Unique
Gift: When placed in a ceramic or stone pot, Kalamata Olive trees make an extraordinary and unique gift...The olive tree is spiritually rich and symbolizes the ultimate "
Gift of Peace" during these troubled times...
EARLY BIRD SPRING SALE PRICES: One Gallon: regularly $69, Now $64; Two Gallon: regulary $89, Now $79. Free planting/care instructions and salt-based curing recipes provided with each purchase. Come on by and you can also take a look at my cold hardy, Waggie Palm trees as well as my beautiful Tuscan Italian Frantoio and Spanish Mission Olive trees ranging in size and cost from $29 to $169...
Call (206) 769-5531 or e-mail back for an appointment to view some trees...