Welcome Tao!
We're very excited to have you here.
I live on an island where the
native plant enthusiasts are very vocal. We do have some unique ecological niches that I think are worth protecting, but the method of doing so, seems to aggressive to me. In some ways I can see their point, but I've always wondered if maybe there was another way. These invasives are here and established, perhaps we could find less aggressive ways to reduce their spread. Perhaps if we had human uses for these invasive species, they would be less invasive - humans brought them here for a purpose, maybe we can explore that.
I would say I'm torn on the issue, but I suspect it's a false dichotomy between native plants and invasive species. Even if we didn't want the change, these plants are already here, and fight as we might, more will come.
You book looks exciting and just the sort of thing we need (especially on our not so little island).
Thank you for coming.