These seem like a really great thing. Getting water to the roots of the plants, right where they need them. And not wasting as much when watering using traditional methods.
However, I'm always skeptical so before I go test drive these myself I was hoping someone out there has used these so I can get the skinny first. I'm considering a product like this for my fledgling market garden:
I'm in a suburban setting, with about 50x60 garden area that is jam packed with raised beds and plants of all sorts. Below the raised beds are pit gardens (burried wood and such), and this year I added about 12-15" of excellent organic soil on all beds. I am currently watering by hand and I'd prefer to try to set up some automated watering if I can. Or at least be more efficient when watering. These *look* like a good deal because I can actually set these up to auto-water, if I have the right controller. All I'd need is a pump for my two, 275 gallon water tanks, some drip lines (I think) and off I go.
My problem is I'm wondering how well they really work. So far, no word back from the company on things like:
1) What is the watering radius of each stake if I have loamy, non-compacted, organic rich soil?
2) What controller is best to use with these kinds of stakes so that I do not over fill them and waste water?
3) How often do they have to be cleaned of debris and roots and such?
4) Who uses these? Maybe some testamonials, or a client list, or something. How do I know these are legit?
My preliminary search also hasn't seen a lot of folks using these so I am unaware of any other problems or hassles that may come along with something like this.
As a reminder, this will be used for veggie beds, not trees.
If you have any thoughts on the matter I'd be MOST grateful!
Thanks in advance everyone.