Advice on goat de-worming: Do it like you do it for yourself.
There is not a single animal on this planet that wouldn't have parasites. Every 6 year old child can "easily" remove a
bucket full of parasites. We have flukes, worms, amebas etc. nasty creature inside of our brains, organs, tissues, guts etc. And so do goats.
Like with humans, you
should begin by balancing their internal elemental status. Obviously aluminium and other highly inflammatory "alzheimer's/autism" elements go first. Not least because pathogens(Lyme for example) culture in aluminium. Then the protective elements like iodine etc. go in and salmonellas etc. intracellular(tiny) pathogens die. While the next phase is heavy metal removal, that sulfur loading does support also pathogen removal. Not least because pathogens do well with metals, and that is why these opportunitists are in us in the first place, compromisation creates room for them. Only after the basics are done, removal of
root causes and loadings of essentials, we are ready for the civil war, internal warfare.
And when we begin that warfare, ask yourself which of the following is a winning strategy: A. pissing of your enemy (herbs/phytochemicals etc.), B. poisoning yourself (pharmaceuticals), or C. killing your parasites(modern detoxchemicals)? Yes, it is C. and as each and every parasite holds tons of other smaller pathogens as well as heavy metals etc., we do not just kill them and poison ourselves with the corpses, we neutralize the enemy inside out, cleanse them while kill them. This is what your detoxicologists tells you to do and does to his own goats as well. At least my detoxicologists who has plenty of goats. My goats consume the same detox chemicals every day and run the same protocols than me, my husband and children. Our living environment and intracellular realities are the same, the deworming tactics just differ a bit. Luckily goat eat everything so thei are relatively easy to deworm.
The point is that while your goats can spend an entire week in hemp, tobacco etc. fields, that does not make them parasite free or remove muchof the worms(hemp is better as THC paralyzes some worms).
Milk tastes a bit funny and also the goats might act a bit funny(this actually happened once in my friends farm), but if you really want to have well behaving and healthy goats, you naturalize them biologically, do the same things your detoxicologists do to autistic children.
And yes, always sterilize the milk. Not heat/destroy, but sterilize. By doing that,you do not keep reinfecting yourself day after day.