Not too much pollution and chemtrails
-Climate change influence...?
-Temperate climate
-Enough rain and sun (for gardening & solar energy).
-Not too many rules and regulations. (for instance, forcing kids to go to school or get vaccinations etc).
-A safe and stable country. Preferably no stream of immigrants.
Esmee Silver wrote:
-Ukraine (hills, north west)
...take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk
Esmee Silver wrote:hi Rene, your place and posts sound interesting to us. I just looked into residency options for Colombia. It seems the one that is applicable for us would be the Investment Visa (T7):
''Investment visa (TP-7) – for a foreigner who invests in property or a business in Colombia. For property investments, Colombia requires an investment that is more than 350 times the minimum wage in Colombia or more than $73,346. For business investments, Colombia requires an investment that is no less than 100 times the minimum wage in Colombia or no less than $20,956.''
As we would be investing in property, it seems our budget would be too low. Do you know ways around this?
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
...take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
No land at the moment.
We really don't know how much we don't know.
Esmee Silver wrote:
These are factors we consider per country:
-Relatively easy visa process
-Max. 30.000 EUR for a piece of land or house with some land.
-Temperate climate
-Not too much pollution and chemtrails
-A safe and stable country. Preferably no stream of immigrants.
-Climate change influence...?
-Enough rain and sun (for gardening & solar energy).
-Not too many rules and regulations. (for instance, forcing kids to go to school or get vaccinations etc).
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour
Esmee Silver wrote:Hello,
We are a couple from the Germany and are wanting to live a more simple and calm life. We are looking at countries where we can move relatively easily with a EU pasport. Our idea is to start a homestead/hostel/community/family. One of us has a Masters degree. But we are really not interested in working an official job. Ideally, we would like to live in Tasmania or New Zealand, but for such countries one needs to have a job offer and work fulltime. For us this is not an option. We have worked the last years to save up & now it is time to retreat a bit. A few hectares would be ideal (and we can build a simple house), or an older house with at least 5000-10.000 m2.
These are factors we consider per country:
-Relatively easy visa process
-Max. 30.000 EUR for a piece of land or house with some land.
-Temperate climate
-Not too much pollution and chemtrails
-A safe and stable country. Preferably no stream of immigrants.
-Climate change influence...?
-Enough rain and sun (for gardening & solar energy).
-Not too many rules and regulations. (for instance, forcing kids to go to school or get vaccinations etc).
Considering these factors, which of these countries could you recommend (or not)?
Or maybe tips for other countries/regions?
-Ukraine (hills, north west)
-Poland (hills, south)
-Baltic country
-Northern Spain
-Central Portugal
-Costa Rica
Esmee Silver wrote:
-Max. 30.000 EUR for a piece of land or house with some land.
-A safe and stable country. Preferably no stream of immigrants.
-Climate change influence...?
-Enough rain and sun (for gardening & solar energy).
-Not too many rules and regulations. (for instance, forcing kids to go to school or get vaccinations etc).
Homesteading 6 acres of Junipers, rocks, and clay
He does not suffer fools gladly. But this tiny ad does:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies