Hunter: Yes he can stay with his "friends" you know.. the bullies. In fact you want him to get strong
enough to bullie back. I only raise weiner's to slaughter , I do not breed so I have not had to bottle feed a piglet. But all animals are the similar. You will need a bottle and correct size nipple for it. (farm store) A source of
raw milk, cow , goat , the fresher the better (still warm is the best) The idea is to supplement what he may be getting from his mom. Feed him as often as you can until you can encourage him to get back on mom. It could take several weeks. I know you have school work to keep up with but if all it takes is a week or two of extra feeding to help him out then it will be worth it. Part of being a farmer is to care and respect your animals, treat them with the same respect that you want for yourself. Remember even with help he may not make it... on the flip side even without help he could be fine.