160 acres of
land in a neighboring town is about to be converted into a
solar farm. The panels are expected to cover 100 acres. This is the "quiet corner" of CT - just far
enough from Providence, Hartford, Worcester, Boston and NYC not to have been densely developed. 40" of rain a year, rocky, field, forest and swamp, zone 6 (barely). Traditionally rather poor with some mill towns. CT as a whole has one nuclear power plant and has been aiming to build out natural gas infrastructure to
feed power plants, as well as send on to Massachusetts. That would be fracked gas from Pennsylvania. There's also a power plant not too far away that's burning
wood. Electricity retails at about 19 cts per kWh average.
It seems like a bad idea to cover corn fields with
solar panels. Ugly, and none of the services that forest provides. But regional demand for
energy is high, nuclear and gas aren't good options, wind speeds are variable to low. And on the whole, people are not deeply engaged with the land here.
So maybe this solar farm is OK, or even a good thing.
Any comments? Is this a reasonable part of Connecticut's energy plan?