Today Jocelyn told me that one of her heroes is stepping back a bit from hero-ing. When she told me details, I felt a powerful "whoa! I was just, this very moment, thinking about those exact things, but, well, you know, about me...." It turns out to be one of those "exactly the same and completely different" things.
I was thinking about how the latest DVD
project turned into a poison for me. Nothing new, I've had to find ways to live my life with this known problem that happens within myself. I think it is a common problem with most creative folks - I've just managed to beat it most of the time by following some personal rules. ... I was thinking about how I have about two dozen poison sources at the moment. I was thinking about the biggest one is almost resolved, so it is time to look to the rest. Maybe I
should make a list and start tackling these .... maybe add another list of things that might be a bit of a general antidote to any poisons ... re-prioritize
my stuff for a month or two to get back to my old self.
Jocelyn has many heroes, but the hero we are talking about today is "the gluten free girl". I think Jocelyn has talked to me about the gluten free girl about 200 times. There was a time about five years ago that tgfg had to deal with some especially awful
haters. It sounded like she was going to a lot less hero-ing for a while. And then she came back and did more hero-ing. And now it sounds like another large shift. She has started a part-time job at a
local grocery store. She cites a list of reasons. At the top of the list is trying to make a living being creative. To create for coin rather than create because you are following your muse.
For tgfg there might be more than a hundred different factors that make her want to back off on hero-ing. Each factor has a different weight. Each factor has a different flavor in directing her choices. Based on what I have learned from Jocelyn over the years, I'm going to mash, stir and summarize a lot and state that the top 2 are:
1) coin
2) icky stuff from icky people
It is 2016 and we have the internet. How is that heroes and generally awesome people are struggling for coin? The people that create the most amazing things end up broke, miserable and despondent? While people that steal their works end up with oodles of coin.
What if there was a website where you could say "I hereby put in ten bucks a month to the awesome peeps on the internet." And then for every website you vist, it records 1 point per page and at the end of the month the ten bucks is divided by the points and set aside for the owner of each site. But wait! There's more! You can configure it to say that no points ever go to some sites. And further, you can configure it so that you can send double points to other sites. Further, you can manually send points to users of sites. You can fiddle with the number more later. You can define how much time you want to sit on points before they are paid out - just in case three cents might go to somebody that turns out to be a
patreon, money would accumulate for cool people that are on the internet being awesome. Those people don't ask for money - it just sorta shows up.
I suspect that tgfg website gets about 50 million pageviews per month. With this system ... if one person out of ten actually put in ten bucks a month ... and each of those people looks at 1000 pages per month ... that means that a website will get about a tenth of a cent per pageview ... tgfg would then get about $50,000 per month. Money is no longer a problem.
What if there is a website that carefully tracks reputation. A person could opt in. A person could use a pseudonym to opt in. A person could build reputation (or notoriety) on a variety of topics. It is free to give people good reputation on a topic. If a person has a great reputation on rocket science, their praise for somebody else would have a lot more impact than somebody else. And while somebody might have a great reputation on a high fat diet, they would have a terrible reputation on a low fat diet.
So if tgfg shares something and an anonymous person wants to post a nasty comment - maybe her stuff is set up so that the only people that can post are people that are registered with the reputation site and have some minimal amount of reputation.
This might eliminate 90% of the ick that is currently discouraging creativity all over the internet.
Allie Brosh is former Missoulian who wrote the blog
hyperbole and a a half. A wonderful blog. You get the impression that there is a rich story there also about why the blog has not moved for three years. I wonder if the coin solution I listed above would make any difference.
I wish for there to be a space where I could put $20 and know that the money will wait for her until she chooses to accept it. Maybe the money fondling site would be so good that I could even state that it sits and waits for her next blog entry. If there were such a thing, I think that within 24 hours there would be more than a million dollars waiting for allie brosh.
A few months ago i wrote asking for something that smelled like the twisted child of kickstarter and
patreon. Something where people can pledge stuff for a particular author even if the author was not there. Something that embraced the idea that creative folks are delicate creatures and that their creativity can easily be poisoned. Something where the creator can be involved, optionally. Just wishing for another web site:
I think I've always been pretty open when writing that I'm a rather broken person. By the standards of most people, I do not meet the minimum requirements for "decent" or even "acceptable." At the same time, this broken-ness gives me superpowers of-a-sort. I live my life trying to mitigate some of my shortcomings and to follow a path that wanders past a few others. In the end there are a handful of people whose opinion of me matters, and I hope that, when judged, my upsides outweigh my downsides. One of those judgy fuckers is my own self: I hope that I live up to being who I wish for me to be. Even more than that, I hope I judge me to be
fucking awesome.
When the first editor quit from the recent DVD project, I was already in a stew of poison. But this particular poison was bigger than all the others combined. I am sick of re-living this toxic story - but I do want to emphasize that I believe it is the true
root of the cervical radiculopathy that forced me into a bed for so many months. Now that the DVDs are sitting in boxes and about to be mailed out, I feel close that this poison is about to be mitigated. I will probably still suffer from this for years to come, but the suffering will be an old, disfiguring scar rather than a wound left open for more than a year.
If I do nothing, I will get no poison. If I do things by myself, there will be accomplishment, but there is no poison. If I do things with people or share what I do, there is poison. The moral of the story is: work with people, share with people and find ways to mitigate the poison that comes from people.
When Jocelyn told me earlier about tgfg I was cataloging the poisons within me, and preparing how I was going to mitigate it and get back to living my life.
Is it possible that every teeny tiny spec of poison is about a shortfall of integrity in others? The editor that flaked out - what would happen if he didn't flake out? The money paid for bulldozer rental and the bulldozer never showed. The bermshed not being built in 4 days and it is still not complete. $38,000 piece of equipment that turns out to be a lemon. Somebody makes a mistake and I pay $20,000 because they cannot. Projects not completed. Projects never started. Each person seemed plenty trustworthy, but when it came right down to it, they did not do what they said they would do.
Everybody has integrity and decency when it is convenient. It is only when the shit hits the fan that you find out who the truly good people are.
More than a dozen people did not do what they said they would do. And these were not trivial things. And they all added up and put me into a giant vat of poison soup. The poison sucks the creativity out of me. I cannot think of doing the things I have done before until I resolve these poisons.
The DVD project is about 60% of it.
Three other things add up to about 32%. Debts. Actually, now that I think about it, all three are related to the DVD project being late. If the DVD project were not late, then I would not have these three debts.
So, now I must obsess about paying these debts.
I suspect that most human beings function fine with debts. I feel a bit like my life is not my own until the debts are cleared.
So, much like tgfg: My master is now coin instead of my muse.
I wish for tgfg to get get epic coin for hero-ing. I wish for allie brosh to epic coin for blogging. And I wish for more wishes.