Dave - I didn't think about jeans or burlap! Thanks! I have an ad on Craigslist for anyone that is ripping out old wool carpet to be able to dump at our house vs paying to dump it. I should include those types of things. Other avenues to seek out - perfect. I'm ok with the natives/invasives to come in once the new guild is established. You are right. They are amending the environment right before our eyes. It's just they and I have different agendas at times
Peter - I do follow you. I also thought about the factor of what it was washed in. I wonder if I did a good boil and then a wash after that with a stripping sort of
soap if that would de-contaminate it as much as is possible. I would like to have it be 100% organic, but figured if it was old enough perhaps most of the ick would be gone or not perhaps not used as much in the making...? Perhaps the re-use factor instead of waste would
be nice, vs reaching for too much perfection where I end up with nothing in hand.. It's a struggle with highest desires and feasibility and all that. Thanks for your input.
Anyone else have anything that comes to mind?
With Bamboo, mint and other plants that like to spread we can put them in pots or contained areas. Has anyone tried to do the reverse and had any methods to share to keep the invasive plants out, at least for a few years?
What have you used in your guild for minimizing
root and sunlight competition?
I want to be able to add plants to the guild as it matures as well...... Whatever I use needs to be able to allow for that...
Even a small thought or idea can turn into a movement.. share freely!