I am new to this site and have never posted. I live in the Uk and have been building and refining rocket stoves for a couple of years.
For a while i had a large tent that i used as my
workshop and I successfully heated it with a
rocket stove for over two years- running the
rocket stove for 8hrs per day 5 days a week. I kept a constant temperature of around 65F inside the tent (and it gets cold here in the winter!). The tent was about 15feet square and 15feet high. I didn't go down the mass route simply because we needed instant heat and there was no insulation to the tent. I did however use radiant heat very successfully by tracing a black chimney route along the length of one side of the tent. The external top of my burn barrel reached temperatures of @ 1200F (red hot glow). The end of the chimney run was @120F. So we effectively harvested most of the available heat. Here is a link to a
video if the attached one doesn't work-
The main advantage of my design was threefold
1: we could use pellets in a hopper that provided an 8hr burn. At no point was the fire attended to after initial lighting. The pellet hopper i designed maintained a constant flow of fuel.
2: I designed a movable grate that allowed us to adjust temperature of the burn, whilst always maintaining a completely clean burn (tested with a gas detector at end of chimney and visually- i.e no smoke at all). This is something that a lot of people online have said is not possible. I.e they say that unless the rocket is burning at full tilt then it will not produce a clean burn. we have disproved this (at least as far as
wood pellets are concerned). We could achieve a burn temperature range (measured at external at top of burn drum) of between 450F and 1200F and hold any temp in this range consistently for as long as there is fuel in the hopper. The lower temperature setting also needed no attending to once the fire was burning. It also produced an equally clean burn as the higher temperatures (with a proportionally reduced fuel consumption, proving that the reduced temperature was result of less volume of burn and not from artificial cooling by increasing draft). The ability to be able to adjust the output temperature consistently and without affecting the efficiency is a big leap. It means that using the rocket principle- on demand
adjustable radiant heating is now possible as well as mass heating. The stove would react to the changed setting in about 20mins so very useable as conditions change.
I suppose my rocket is a new genre... the Adjustable Rocket Radiant Heater- ARRH
3: I installed a refractory grade glass viewing window at the top of the burn drum. This allowed a clear view of the rocket burn and allowed us to tune the stove and make adjustments to airflow etc with a clearly observable result. It also allowed us to reflect the viewing window in a polished steel sheet which gave great aesthetic (something often lacking in Rockets as the burn is usually hidden.)
I used vermiculate sheet to create the burn chimney and this has had over 4000hrs of burn without any disintegration. Vermiculate is a great insulator and so also meant the burn chimney needed no additional insulation. Perlite was used to surround the stainless steel burn tunnel and this has had the same 4000hrs of use, but has had to be re-welded a few times! For my next version i will be using refractory for the burn tunnel.
I have also made a hot tub, and have been heating that for 1 year very successfully using a different burn barrel (the burn barrel simply slots on, allowing quick change from radiant heater to
water heater).The tub heater barrel has a large bore (1inch) internal copper spiral and an outside clad in ceramic fibre blanket. The circulation is done with a spa pump. I can heat the 1000litres of
water from tap cold to 104F in 4hrs. Again the stove needs no attendance when this is happening as the pellet system is 'fire and forget'. (please don't attempt to heat water with a rocket unless you really know what you are doing!)
very interested by peoples reactions to this- thanks!