This was a very good year for Joe Pye Weed in my area. I love them just cuz they're
native and they're pretty insect magnets (as you say), but I've never used them for anything else. Couldn't find anything
permaculture related.
"A good remedy for gravel in the gallbladder, dissolves stones, chronic urinary and kidney disorders, bed wetting, poor appetite, dropsy, neuralgia, rheumatism. Very soothing and will relax the nerves. Increases the flow of
urine. Combined with uva ursi, marshmallow, blue cohosh, and lily
root, good for female troubles, bladder and kidney infections, diabetes, and Bright’s disease.
Also used for headache, hysteria, impotence, indigestion, intermittent fever, sciatica, sore throat, urine retention, vomiting, asthma, chronic coughs, colds, typhus fever "