GARDEN: Fairly average. Nothing to remark about.
INSECTS: Plenty of insects here, particularly yellow jackets. They got me five times this summer! Also, earwigs. Lots and lots of earwigs. We had a very mild winter, nothing below zero, so that is not surprising. We do rely on the cold to reduce their populations.
WATER: We do have a number of perforated pipes to test the ground water, but I have not checked them recently. From past
experience, I know that our ground water levels range from eighteen inches to seven feet depending upon the location and the season. (Our neighbor has constant issues with flooding in his crawl space. Fortunately, we are situated a bit higher. Plus, we built on a slab.) Anyhow, it's been raining on and off since the beginning of the month and the surface is completely saturated, so it wouldn't surprise me if we get some flooding soon in the low areas. As for our well, no problems, but then we put that down 185 feet into the aquifer.
NUTS: I've tried to grow various walnuts here, including carpathian walnuts, black walnuts, and butternuts. Unfortunately, while these trees are (theoretically) hardy in our zone, they do not go dormant early
enough, so they get shocked back every year by the first hard frost. That usually happens in early September. This year we dropped to 25.9 degrees on September 13. If I ever do manage to get one to grow to size, much less produce nuts, I'll let you know! And pecans? Oh, I wish! Now, pine nuts we have in abundance. Too bad all the
natives are so fiddly. I bought a couple of Korean nut pines a few years back, but it will be a good while yet before I get any nuts.
ACORNS: We don't have any oak trees. I can't think of any neighbors that do either.
Anyhow, I'm not actually worried about these variations either. I was aiming (and missing!) at a bit of humor