-- Wisdsom pursues me but I run faster.
Crt Jakhel wrote:Have you tried Ebay? I've ordered seed from the past from somebody in Lithuania who has quite a number of tree seed available - http://stores.ebay.com/seedsworld/
Also there's somebody from Germany right now selling 10 cm tall seedlings of Diospyros virginiana.
How about some cold hardy figs? (Brown Turkey, Bornholm...)
And hazel (corylus).
Kyrt Ryder wrote:I'd like to recommend some form of Mulberry [Morus Sp] for your list. Red Mulberry will definitely ripen for you, white's a crapshoot and black is a nogo.
Srdjan Gavrilovic wrote:l
How likely that you could help me to get pitless plum from Slovenia?
I wrote them but they don't seam to be happy to waste time sending a single plant.
I would cover all of expenses you might have.
Btw, I'm almost certain that their chestnuts are hybrids that I'm looking for. I would be interested in Castanea sp they have as well.
-- Wisdsom pursues me but I run faster.
-- Wisdsom pursues me but I run faster.
Crt Jakhel wrote:
I would think c. dentata seeds should not be a problem to get on ebay (searched quickly and found several sources).
-- Wisdsom pursues me but I run faster.
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