As an experiment a few years ago, I sewed some scobies into a pair of slip-on shoes (like Crocs). They are actually pretty tough and leather-like, but as soon as they get wet, they become slippery as eels (although very soft!) I have considered making a reverse last (a sort of shoe mold made from my feet) to grow a scobie inside so that it requires no stitching, but haven't managed to get around to that particular experiment yet. And, of
course, there is still the problem of how to keep them from turning into something resembling a wet chamois. It needs to be something that will waterproof them without letting them dry out -- so they stay flexible. I think it is fun to fiddle around with them and could be potentially lucrative. Not to mention a great way to create
sustainable clothing and footwear without some poor creature having to give up its skin for fashion! If I was younger and not so busy, I might make this into a major
project, but I'm thinking it will have to be someone else's "vegan material of the future" at this point.