Not enough primary air is right. Here's how we fix this:
1) Get yourself big metal cone. A funnel that is bigger in diameter than the can will work just fine. Just make sure you don't choke down air flow too much.
2) Get rid of the bricks around the outside, just use 3 on the ground to lift the burn can up.
3) You need a better starter than alcohol, it just flashes off. I use paint thinner (cheapest solvent out there). Splash a couple ounces on the top of the TLUD, let it soak in a couple minutes and light 'er up.
4) When the top is burning vigorously, invert the cone/funnel and set it on top. Flames may shoot out the top for the first minute or so, but soon it will settle down to pouring out copious amounts of white smoke (indicating the exhaust is mostly
water vapor).
Ambient temperature affects the length of the burn. On cold days, it may take me 6 hours to process a 55 gal. drum of
wood. On warmer days, maybe it will be done in 2 or 3 hours. I'm thinking since your burn chamber is not that tall, it will go fairly quickly.
A trick to see how your burn is progressing is to throw a little water on the outside of the burn can. It will quickly evaporate above the flame front, but lower, where it has wood and rising combustion air on the inside, it will take longer to evaporate.