We bought a property in fall and it came with 3 gardens. One of them comes with a cold frame (
wood frames with heavy plastic). Judging by their garden which we saw last summer it works great. They had an head start on everything that grew there. If we can figure out how to put it up, I would love to use it! The garden is fairly large (~1200 sqft) and the cold frame covers the whole thing.
I have never had a cold frame so I am not quite sure when to do what.
We are in zone 3 and the last frost day is usually around end of May.
We plan on using this for annual vegetables (beans, zucchini, squash, carrots, cabbage, lettuce, beets, turnips, salsify etc.). I would like to direct seed as much as possible. There are some strawberries left from last year in there so I would keep these for now.
Can anybody run me through the timelines and what to do?