Below a long list because you may need to try several different ones before you find one that works for you. The oil and subcutaneous skin types vary between individuals, sexes and races so experiment. Mix and match at will - if something seems to work a little bit mix it with others that also work a little bit until you have designed your own cure. This is the secret to naturopathic medicine and scabies is tough to treat with naturopathy.
Fr Herbs For Health
Dear Jason,
If what you have is really scabies (there are other things it may be and microscopic examination can identify if it actually is scabies), then I would take and make a combination of equal amounts of Cajeput oil (can get from Green Kingdom Herbs), lemongrass oil, peppermint oil (essential oils) and jojoba oil and apply topically several times a day, working it well into the skin. I would also make a spray with this combination by adding 9 parts water to 1 part of the oils and put in a spray bottle. Then spray everything that you have come into contact with several weeks before and while having the symptoms as it takes several weeks from the time of initial infestation for scabies symptoms to develop (incubation period). Scabies may stay alive from 4-7 days off of the body without a host. I would wash all linens, clothes, shoes (washed or sprayed), chair covers etc with a good detergent and add 1 oz of the spray combination to the rinse cycle. Scabies are contagious and can be spread to other people before and after you develop symptoms, for as long as you remain infested and untreated. I would contact all who you have had close contact with and inform them of their possible exposure and what to do if they start having symptoms (FYI you could get re-infected from someone was infected from you). As for internally, I would get a good source of oregano oil and take it. I would also take a garlic drink daily for a month as the garlic is offensive to many parasites and may help drive them out of the skin or help keep them from entering the skin, regardless, it is an extremely healthy drink and a maintenance of 1-2 days a week works wonders for supporting health and is very inexpensive. The drink directions are: To a blender add 1 – 2 cloves of peeled garlic, 4-6 oz juice (e.g. V8, tomato, etc., not from a can), can also add any liquids currently taking as well as some sea salt and cayenne), 1 TBL cold pressed organic oil such as olive or sunflower etc., or 1 - 2 teaspoons of vegetable based oil and 1 teaspoon of cold pressed Castor Oil, blend to liquefy, add 2 – 4 more oz. juice, blend and drink in AM on an empty stomach. Opt: can also add ¼ - ½ teas powdered ginger. I hope that this helps.
Healthfully yours,
Dr. J. Michael Ernest
Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) and St.-John's-wort (Hypericum perforatum). Evening primrose oil (EPO) is approved in the United Kingdom for treating eczema because it soothes the skin. But it's not approved in the United States because the Food and Drug Administration turns a blind eye to European research, and no U.S. drug companies want to invest hundreds of millions to prove the safety and effectiveness of something that they can't patent.
As for St.-John's-wort, I've seen persuasive anecdotal reports that applying this herb to the skin can provide immediate relief from the itching of insect bites.
If I had scabies, I would steep flowering shoots of St.-John's-wort for a few days in
enough EPO to cover them, then dab the oil on the affected areas. If you don't have access to the fresh herb, you can use a tincture of St.-John's-wort.
Neem (Azadiracta indica) and turmeric (Curcuma longa). Neem is an Indian tree with an extract that is powerfully active against many insect pests. Several natural neem-based pesticides are marketed in this country and used by organic farmers and gardeners. Turmeric has a long folk history for treating itchy skin problems.
A few years ago, Indian researcher S. X. Charles, Ph.D., used these two herbs to treat 814 people with scabies. He made a paste with four parts fresh neem leaves and one part turmeric root. The people in his study rubbed it all over themselves daily. Almost 800 of them (98 percent) showed substantial improvement within three to five days and were completely cured within two weeks. You can buy skin-care products containing neem at some health food stores. Just mix in several teaspoons of turmeric and apply it to the affected areas.
Originally from India, neem is working its way into the United States as a natural cosmetic, dentifrice and insect repellent.
Onion (Allium cepa). When I was a kid, I boiled onion skins to make a yellow dye. Now in my second childhood, I boil onion skins to extract quercetin, one of Nature's best skin-soothing compounds. Some onion skins are 3 percent quercetin, which translates to considerable soothing power against scabies and other skin problems.
For scabies, I suggest boiling the skins of a half-dozen onions for 15 to 30 minutes in a quart of water. Let the liquid cool, then apply it liberally all over your body. (Save the peeled onions to use in cooking.)
American pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides). Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman naturalist Pliny noted that European pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) repels
fleas. In fact, this herb's scientific name, pulegioides, is derived from the Latin for "flea," and the plant has been popularly known as fleabane for centuries. Pennyroyal oil is the active ingredient in just about every herbal flea collar for pets.
I suggest applying a strong tea or preferably a tincture directly to the affected area to alleviate the itch.
Mountain mint (Pycnanthemum muticum). This weedy, three-foot-tall herb is loaded with pulegone, the same insect repellent found in pennyroyal. It's not a popular herb, and I don't understand why. It's a fine weed to grow around the house, and it has many uses.
I often ball up a wad of fresh mountain mint and rub the bruised leaves on my legs to keep the ticks off. I suspect that this herb would be equally effective against mites and lice.
-from the Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook
Sulphur+ vaseline:
Precipitated sulphur (7%) in
petroleum jelly is a safe alternative therapy for very young infants, and pregnant and lactating women. The pharmacist prepares it. It is applied on three consecutive days, left on for 24 h after application and washed off before the next application - Fisrt Nations and Inuit Health Committee
Neem, red thyme, tea tree, lemon and lavender essential oils (diluted in sesame oil is best, diluted in SOME sort of base oil is vital!) are all effective treatments (and work well in combination) that will not put pesticides all over one's body, they also don't require a perscription. Borax baths and adding borax to laundry will help. Clean anything cloth (including carpets) as throughly as possible, put oil mixture on the body at night and take borax baths in
hot water (scrub all "hot spots" on the body: between fingers, waist lines, armpits, etc) in the morning.
look into neem especially, there is a lot of scientific backing showing that neem oil is highly effective, it just takes longer than permethrin, neem must be given at least 1 week of VERY strict use in order to work and the treatment often needs to continue 10-14 days.
Neem capsuls can be taken internally as well for the two week span, but this
should be considered a supplement to the topical oils, not the primary treatment. -Portland Independnet Media Center