Daves Hobbit Home Build progress
Dave Lot wrote:I see you are in S. Ontario . .
Who is your insurance provider . . . ?
I am planning on going to my insurance and ask for an inspection . . . since I have to move the shed, if they don't like the stove I will dismantle it . . just like you were going to do . . If they do accept it, I will attempt too move it with the stove. . .
Or you can send me a message . ..
Daves Hobbit Home Build progress
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Joel Bercardin wrote:Congratulations Bruce. Very interesting news.
Eugene Howard wrote:About a hear ago, I discussed the concept of a RMH with my insurance agent. He had never heard of one either, but was not concerned about it. He said he they had seen a number of really bad setups as far as home installs, home built barrel stoves, etc. that what I was describing did not sound too bad. What they would do is inspect it to make sure it was installed with the proper clearances to combustibles, etc and that included the flues. Get that right and he would have no issue with it. Encouraging.
Dave Gamper wrote:This is great news Bruce. It gives me hope that I could do the same at some point.
Eugene Howard wrote:About a hear ago, I discussed the concept of a RMH with my insurance agent. He had never heard of one either, but was not concerned about it. He said he they had seen a number of really bad setups as far as home installs, home built barrel stoves, etc. that what I was describing did not sound too bad. What they would do is inspect it to make sure it was installed with the proper clearances to combustibles, etc and that included the flues. Get that right and he would have no issue with it. Encouraging.
Permaculture, Tiny House Living, Homesteading
Glenn Herbert wrote:There are no codes anywhere that I know of that specifically apply to RMHs (aside from Portland, Oregon), but there are codes for masonry heaters. The ones I have seen can't be directly converted to RMH construction due to built-in assumptions like a horizontally fed firebox with a door, and contraflow channels (bells are not mentioned). But building to masonry heater code where possible, and to wood stove clearance code for the barrel if present, will allow any sympathetic inspector to work with you without significantly compromising their rules.
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lesley verbrugge wrote:Great thread!
Just to add that our AXA insurance man here in France took a look at ours and said he was happy to class it as a wood burner. He too had never seen one and was fascinated with the explanation of how it worked, and pored over the build photos. We'd already decided that we'd rather have the Rocket than insurance, if it came to a choice, but are really pleased it's been given the thumbs up.
Daves Hobbit Home Build progress
Dave Lot wrote:Well guys, I just finished sending 4 seperate emails - with lots of pictures attached - to the insurance agent (or the same company) that Bruce Woodford supplied to me . . turns out there is an office not 20 minutes away from me, and they do insure resedential houses.
Unfortunately, after telling him my story, and touching base with his inspectors, he cannot insure my stove (or my house) for me. The company does not want to be the "goto guy" for every Tom - Dick and Henry who wants to slap together a wood stove . .
Like everyone else I have talked too, he was really interested in how the stove worked, and how effcient it was . . . and he did ask me too send him construction pictures . . . from there, we will wait and see . . .
For now, the answer is "no." But he will continue to look into it for me . . .
Thanks anyways there Bruce. It was worth a try . . .
Daves Hobbit Home Build progress
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