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Paul and Jocelyn review Toby Hemmenway's "
Gaia's Garden" chapter 11 about urban gardens. They start out by commemorating Toby's contribution to Permaculture in general and as a friend specifically since Toby passed away recently. They then go on to describe the urban garden, and how you can use your neighbour's gardens as a resource and even as your zone 5, and how to build social capital amongst neighbours. The podcast discusses many aspects of urban gardening among other things dealing with pollution and hard surfaces, small spaces - and how to use the
city as an expansion of the classical permaculture zones. Paul and Jocelyn argue that many of the techniques can also be applied to larger homesteads, because the area around the house - zone 1 often is quite small, and you want everything right outside your door.
Credit: Dawn Hoff
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Angela Brown
Julia Mason
Tyler Miller
wade L
Jason Hower
Bill Crim
Desirea Holton
Doug Barth
Mark Allen
Kelton Mitchell
David Ingraham