I'm thinking about getting health insurance. I've been without for a long time.
It is my personal philosophy that 90% of all money spent on health care goes to health insurance. In other words, I believe that if health insurance were outlawed, then the cost of health care would be ten times less than it is now. But due to the insurance industry shenanigans, if I need health care, it will cost me ten times more to get the care I need or else I get labeled as a dumbass.
I could bitch about this for two weeks non stop, but that gets into political stuff and I expressly forbid the discussion of
politics on these forums.
So, I've stated my oddball position and am reluctant, but ... I
should consider my options. So! Here in Montana, what are my options? What's a good deal and what sucks? Despite being fat, I haven't been hospitalized since I was a kid (knock on
wood). I would think a catastrophic insurance would be best for me. Something with a high deductable. Something that only kicks in for something really big.