posted 7 years ago
Since the flies are the pollinators, that would not fit the definition of self-pollinating.
Self pollination means the male pollen in the stamen can fall directly on the pistil, stamen is above the pistil. In the flower of the pawpaw the pistil is located far above the stamen location.
The fly travels into the flower base, rubs around on the stamen's and then has to crawl up the pistil to get out, this allows for pollen to be deposited. It would probably give you a few fruits but not a bumper crop.
Most always the recommendation for multiple trees is more for insurance of larger crops of fruits.
Plus you could perform the pollination by hand, thus insuring that pollen was deposited.
In the areas I find multiple wild trees, they are in clusters. I'm don't know how far distant they can be and still have cross pollination by flies.
The flowers smell rather putrid, that is so the flies that do the pollinating are attracted to them.