Have any of you experienced regular bouts of anxiety about your small farm enterprise?
Have you ever had a sudden flash of "normal" thinking where the life you used to lead makes more sense and what you're trying to do suddenly seems as daft as everyone else tells you it is?
Since taking the plunge into 40 acres of rocks and tree
roots, I will sometimes wake up from my wooly dreams like this:
"Oh. No. What on earth was I thinking? I gave up everything and gained nothing. How did this happen?
I dropped everything and moved halfway across the country, and dumped my life's savings into something a "real farmer" would never dream of looking at. I really am as crazy as everyone says I am.
I like sheep. My
land has neither pasture nor well.
I like solid
shelter. My land has none.
I just did all this because I don't like corporate or debt, all on the faith that these principles behind
permaculture will work. Faith! I don't know a damn thing about farming!
I'm going to die out in middle of the woods with a spade stuck in a rock and a coyote chewing on my ankle.
I'm totally screwed."
This morning I woke up with the gut-clenching realization that my future livestock would need a ton of
water, and I didn't have an immediate solution for that. Waking up with an inner argument about ponds vs cisterns and what to do in the dry seasons is not pleasant.
Is this normal?