We are making a proposal to the tribe to lease thousands of sloped, woodland spring fed
land on the reservation. Sites will be demonstrating various themes of
permaculture, restoration, polycultural forests, training centers, internships, health retreats, networking internationally, and intertribally. Living centers, housing, student and communal, co-housing, alternative built homes, nursery production for
permaculture stock. Video production of all education all educational steps, workshops, trainings will be made to educate on other tribes, in other northern climates, and for any landholder, state and federal lease lands.
Permaculture is the new paradigm for the future. Let's embrace this opportunity to have any expert in the fields of green
appropriate technology to join with Paul Weaton of Permies.com, Bud Papin, Flathead Tribal Permaculturist, Kelly Ware,
Permaculture Montana, TransitionPolson, Raw Montana, and Aware Wellness Center. Jason Moore and Barbara Leonard of Health Giver Network and Get Well Retreats, and Catarina Hirsch, placeofgathering.com, and many more. We are looking for land with clean
water springs, on a slope 80-250 acre parcels. Paradise farms is for sale, by March near Quinns hot springs. Who want to join us in this endeavor, what can you contribute?