The problem with that fertilizer is the super triple phosphate. It has been found that iron, zinc and manganese are tied up by phosphate and you soon develop yellowing in the plants and reduced vigor and even death if the problem continues long
that much synthetic phosphate and that much phosphate in general is never necessary. It's a throw back to the times of maximum
profit at any cost. you do see good results for a short time but then the problems start showing up. One false solution often proffered is to add nitrogen as yellowing is often a sign of not enough nitrogen. then you get excessive weed growth so then you get a recommendation for herbicides which further toxify the soil and weeken the plants even more and that usually leads to some kind of bug infestation which leads to people spraying pesticides and I think you can guess the rest. It's an endless cycle downward and it's where modern agriculture is today is so many ways.
So, my recommendation is to stay away from that fertilizer altogether. Low phosphate fertilizers with lower numbers for nitrogen and more micriobial additives and humates are the way to go.
Additions of
compost are good too, whenever the resource is available but don't over due that either. Slow changes, do no harm and patience are your best recipe.