I would tend to be cautious of using standing dead
trees. Why did they die and how long have they been standing? Standing dead trees will still suck up
water and rot. And the trees may have bugs. For the cabins I've built I've cut live trees, then stripped off the bark. If you are going to go to all the work of building a house, I'd stick with what you know is good
wood. For me, standing dead is my
firewood of choice, not cabin building. Build a cabin right and it
should easily last 100+ years (that to me is "permaculture") Build it wrong, and you'll get to build a new cabin. P.S. One interesting thing you might do when choosing trees to use: stand back a ways and look how straight the tree is. Then lay down at the base of the tree and look up the trunk. You'll often be surprised at how crooked a straight looking tree actually is. If you can use the straightest trunk trees you can find, it'll make cabin building lots easier.