different ideas for busineses.
Today there are four skips within a hundred metres of my house here in Madrid, full of bricks, and as tierra pretta is said to have bits of pottery in it surely crushed brick would be a great business for someone better at businesses than i am , how do you buy a crusher?
the scietisst speculate that as bricks are a labarynth of little holes they serve as a home for handy microbes. THte same goes for charcoal.
When they talk of using charcoal to better your soilsm which is the other ingredient of the very good terra pretta soils of Brasil, google them, they talk of putting the charcoal or brick in manure first or manure tea, maybe even chemical fertiliser tea if its all you have got,
urine if you have got it, tea, I find urine has atendecy to small fishy after a while. They say that If you dont prep the charcoal or bricks with some sort of fertiliser the charcoal might take the nutrients from your soil, till it had
enough nutrients of its own at least.
Collecting the dust and little bits from charcoal makers and packing it up to
sell to nurseries and garden centres to improve soils, would be another job that needs doing, as charcoal, like brick,is full of tiny channels that microbes can live in. Maybe there are other reasons charcoal helps very deep soils to form and that in the jungle where soils are usually very shallow but that is the reason i know of. agri
rose macasskie.