I know whales are supposed to be cute and cuddly and all that, but the reality is they have killed a lot of my friends and neighbors throughout the years. One just killed a mariner here last week.
No one knows for sure of
course, but back in 2004 when I was lobstering off Criehaven Island, a few hundred miles from us 4 friends on the CandyBII were dragging for scallops. It is assumed in the middle of the night the older wooden vessel hit a whale and sank to the bottom. By all reports it was a sound vessel otherwise. A commercial plane picked up the EPIRB that automatically goes off on commercial vessels when it hits the
water, but the Coast Guard only found debris of the boat. Sadly the Atlantic, being too cold, doesn't give up the dead. One was 19 and the oldest was 32. It was midnight so they probably never knew what hit them.
I know it is not the whales fault, but whales are big and vessels are small. Its not always a great match up on the open ocean.