Good Ideals,
Lots of people often bring this topic up.
It's challenging for a myriad of reasons of course.
You mentioned recreational property. But often that zoning has many restrictions, and does not allow permanent living, no?
I also agree/think that ownership might be a key for many, and at least for pragmatic reasons.
@s lee
Think its a good idea. Tried to get a few of my buddies interested, all family people like myself, but of course life is never that simple, and some live in "fear" of the unknown, rightfully so.
I love the NW, and plan on doing this somehow someway soon myself, I also have a small family, so always adds some challenges.
Sound like you are thinking within city limits? or homestead type?
I had mentioned on another
thread that I think one viable option would be to fine land that has separate tax lots, and then the land could be bought together, with each buyer having their own share.
And one could still cut costs down on the well, shared by all, and having it written in the contracts that it would be for the lots, something like that.
I don't know if an existing lot could be easily divided into separate tax lots, I assume not.
Either way, I also like the idea, I think the major issue is putting it all together, getting differing opinions and ideas on the same page.
Thus, my idea above.
I love the idea, like what Paul offers, in that equipment could be shared, and neighbors to help, all with somewhat common goals, would be a great community.
California often has lots of zoning issues, along with OR, especially in the south where there are many affordable lots available.
Nevada seems pretty open, just lacking water, high desert areas.
Previously was looking up at North Central Washington, parts of Idaho, more open to do things, lots are cheaper than most places, but cold weather.
anyway, throwing out some thoughts.