I hear so many different things about organic controls that sometimes it is difficult to keep them sorted.
bearing that in mind, I seem to remember a trick of putting a light inside a paper bag in a dark room --maybe with a sponge or some small
water source, and overnight the bag would fill with the critters if they had invaded your home.
seems to me they were thinking about ladybugs, cause the last part of the instructions were to keep them in the fridge till spring.
But, knowing what we know, these beetles are in no short supply, so a death trap might be appropriate-- ie shielding the light from the top and then having a pan of soapy water underneath so the bugs fall into the water when they fly to the light source. That works for
fleas, but it might be necessary to rig something else since these bugs likely have more control over their flight than
fleas have over their jumps, ie a paper bag that you throw into a
compost pile instead of the fridge.
The stink bug trap with two pieces of
cardboard (or whatever) spaced at just the right distance for them to squeeze in might be another possibility once you have their attention at the light source, I saw lots of them yesterday hiding between layers of stuff when I took apart the cover of my roof.
No guarantees on that, but desperate times...