Hello, this is my first time posting on this forum! Thank you for providing such helpful and informative articles!
My mom and I have a small
yard with five large
Ash trees, sandy soil with a very high
water table (water collects under our house most of the time and we have to pump it out); moss grows in our front yard. We live in zone 5a.
There are two or three places that receive a tiny bit of dappled sun for a couple of hours, but mostly our yard is completely shaded; in fact, the only thing that grows there are
dandelions and a few other weeds, no grass. I'm going to till the entire yard this Fall and sow from scratch because our ground is so uneven.
I know that you suggest Tall Fescue and said that it "tolerates" shade, but I had to ask if it would be able to thrive in such a shady environment? Our
local garden center has a blend called "Shady Place Mixture" and I wondered if that mightn't be better. It has Chewings Fescue (Shadow II), Creeping Red Fescue, Hard Fescue, Bluegrass and Ryegrass. Also, in our area they have a "
Native Wonder Mix" with Buffalo Grass (Bowie) and Blue Grama.
Which way do you thing think we
should go?
Thank you for your help!